gThumb 2.13.3 released

gThumb 2.13.3 has now been released. gThumb is an image viewer and browser utility for the GNOME environment and is one of my favourite photo mangers for Linux.

This is a development release and users are not advised to install it on production machines. Here’s the developer’s note:
 As a development release this version can have many bugs and users are not encouraged to update to this version if they expect to get the same stability of the 2.12 series.
 There is however, a long list of new features and visual changes that comes in with this release:
  • Added ability to import photos from a folder. This is equivalent to  importing from a removable device, with the difference that the  user can select a folder instead of a device.  Useful to reorganize  by date or tag an old set of photos.
  • Find duplicates: added ability to eliminate all the duplicates at once leaving only the newest or the oldest one.
  • Show the current disk free space in the status bar.
  • Make the keyboard editing shortcuts work from the file list as well.
  • When the file list or the image viewer are focused the user can use  the following shortcuts to activate some editing tools:  h: enhance; l: flip; m: mirror; r: rotate right;  <shift>r: rotate left; <shift>c: crop; <shift>s: resize.
  • Resize image: added buttons to set to the original image size or the  screen size
  • Added “copy to” and “move to” commands in the folder list as well.
  • F2 renames the folder if the folder tree is focused
  • Web albums: always use subfolders. removed the relative option from  the dialog
  • Allow %F (filename) and %C (comment) in Web Album headers and  footers
  • Adjust colors: added a preview check button to compare the image with the original
  • Save and restore the settings in the change date dialog
  • Added Ctrl+Q to close all the windows.
  • Automatically select the last viewed file on startup if “Go to last visited folder or catalogue” option is active.
  • Ask confirmation before deleting a command/script
  • Increased the number of preloaded images. preload the next 4 and the  previous 4 images, instead of the next 2 and the previous one.
  • Improved insertion of files in catalogs: when using the paste  command the files are inserted after the last selected file;  when using drag&drop the files are inserted in the current position  as when moving files inside a catalog.
  • Added “gThumb” to the window title
 You can download the tar balls from
If you want a ppa, you need to install the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/gthumb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gthumb

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