How to create a One click open folder link in Linux/Ubuntu

Sometimes we need to quickly go to the most used folder on our system such as the Downloads or Music or Documents and we have to go all the way to Places and select from the drop-down menu.
This is still easier. However, suppose if you have a folder that you access quite frequently like your projects folder then you need to go through a long way of going through the home directory and navigate to the folder. You can create a shortcut of that folder and link to the desktop but if you have any window open, you would need to minimize that window to access the shortcut. An easier way would be to create a launcher on the top panel.

To create a launcher, right click on an empty space on the top panel and select ‘Add to panel’. A new window will pop up. In that window select ‘Custom Application Launcher’ and press ‘Add’.
The custom launcher creator will launch and in that type the name of the launcher. Now add the path of the launcher in the ‘command’ box. This should be like this
nautilus -n /home/username/pathofthefolder
eg. if the name of your home folder is ‘foo ‘ and you need to access a folder called Projects that resides in your home folder , the final code will be
nautilus -n /home/foo/Projects . Press close to save. Now you can access your favourite folder from your top panel. No need to wander around.

Hope this helps.

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